Date de soutenance |
18/06/2012 |
Sujet |
Sciences de l'économie, de la gestion et de la société |
Fonds |
Ecole Polytechnique |
Mots-clés |
Evaluation – Discrimination – CV anonyme – Assurance chômage –
Accompagnement des chômeurs – mod èle frictionnel d'appariement – R
egression discontinue – Evaluation randomis ee – non r eponse |
Titre en anglais |
Essays on Labor Market Policies Evaluation |
Résumé en anglais |
In the first two chapters, we estimate the impact of two labor
market policies in the French context: * anonymous applications:
information, such as name, gender, age, nationality and address, is
erased from resumes sent to employers (first chapter). Anonymous
applications limit differential treatments based on gender and counter
homophily. * Unemployment Insurance generosity: job losers receive
benefits to prevent revenue loss and to subsidize job search (second
chapter). We show that an increase of 8 months in potential benefit
duration does not affect match quality, while it slows down unemployment
exits to jobs. We devote special attention to identify causal impacts
and thus rely on experimental or quasi experimental evidence to perform
our empirical evaluation exercises. Namely, we compare treated and
control groups which are ex ante statistically identical. However, we
discuss two potential caveats of microeconometric evaluations in the
context of Job Search Assistance evaluation, one "practical" in the
third chapter and one "theoretical" in the fourth chapter: * ex post
comparability of control and treated groups when sample attrition can be
different among experimental groups (third chapter); * uncontrolled
contamination between control and treated group through market
interaction (fourth chapter). |
Mots-clés en anglais |
Labor Market Policy evaluation – Discrimination – Anonymous
application – Unemployment Insurance – Job Search Assistance – Search
and Matching model – Regression Discontinuity – Randomized evaluation –
Survey non response |
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